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Mar 27, 2020
Uncharted Waters...
Well, we never thought we'd be here did we? The Covid 19 pandemic has turned our lives upside down in such a short time that we are all...

Feb 11, 2020
Block of the Month progress report...
This week I sent out the February Midsummer Sampler block of the month parcels. We are now over halfway through our programme, so I...

Jan 5, 2020
Happy New Decade...
This is my hundredth blog post and, by total chance, it's my first post of 2020. I'll try not to be too wistful, but this New Year does...

Dec 29, 2019
Do not adjust your sets...
I hand-delivered a new project to the Today's Quilter office in Bristol a couple of weeks ago and while I was there I met my lovely...

Dec 1, 2019
Adventures in Self Publishing: part 2
My last post explained the ‘why’ and this post will give you an insight into the ‘how’ to self-publish. Or at least how I’ve done it. I...

Nov 19, 2019
Adventures in Self Publishing: part 1
A few years ago I sat down and started sketching blocks for an autumn-themed quilt. My eldest son was about to head off to university...

Aug 13, 2019
Festival of Quilts 2019...
I’ve unpacked, caught up with my emails and restocked the website, so it’s time to look back at the whirlwind that was this year’s...

Jul 22, 2019
Roll up, roll up...
If you’re a quilter, then the Festival of Quilts - four glorious, fabric-filled days - really does seem like the greatest show on earth....

Apr 27, 2019
Colouring Quilts: Spindleberry
The garden is wreathed with blossom at the moment. It's such a lovely time of year - I have a May birthday, so I might be a bit biased -...

Mar 31, 2019
Making plans...
I'm busy planning for this year's Festival of Quilts so in my Spring Newsletter I asked my lovely subscribers for their thoughts on quilt...

Mar 15, 2019
British Traditions...
This year marks the fortieth anniversary of the Quilters Guild of the British Isles. The Guild was established in 1979 to "...bring...

Feb 25, 2019
Colouring Quilts: Forget-me-not
The Forget-me-not quilt is a celebration of the versatility of the humble nine-patch...and you know how much I love a nine-patch. Now,...

Jan 5, 2019
Your favourite posts of 2018...
This seems slightly self-indulgent of me but, two and a half years and seventy-odd posts in, I was interested in finding out which topics...

Nov 2, 2018
Colouring Quilts: Day Out...
There's always so much to do before Christmas but I'm still temped to add just one more project and come November I can't resist starting...

Oct 24, 2018
Spellbound Sampler Giveaway...
*Congratulations to our two lovely winners: subscriber Emilie and Instagram follower Elise* To celebrate the Spellbound Sampler Book now...

Oct 4, 2018
Colouring Quilts: Vintage China...
This is the first in a new series of posts that explores the easiest way to make a quilt truly your own: your choice of fabric. There may...

Aug 29, 2018
Festival of Quilts 2018...
Has it really been two weeks since we packed up, reloaded the car and headed home from the Festival of Quilts? Having shared some really...

Aug 8, 2018
And we’re off...
My bags are packed and I’m off to Birmingham for the Festival of Quilts. So come and say hello on stand C7 (same spot as last year) and...

Aug 1, 2018
Spellbound sew-along: week 10
It's the final week of our summer sew-along and for those of you looking for the border and finishing instructions, you can find them...

Jul 3, 2018
Rainy Day Runner workshop...
Never was a workshop so poorly named. It was a gloriously sunny day when I taught a group of lovely friends from my local quilting group,...
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