1. CakeStand Quilts is FIVE years old. Back in June 2015 I opened my online shop with just one pattern, Jolly Brollies. Five years later Jolly Brollies has been joined by 24 more quilts, eight small projects, 26 sampler blocks and three pattern books. It's been a full but fun five years.

2. The N E W Midsummer Sampler blocks are here! They're available as PDF patterns in the shop - either singly or in a discounted bundle of eight - and there will also be a limited number of Paper Patterns available soon and a Pattern Book in early July.
I'll be sharing the Folk Flower filler block and the Midsummer Sampler finishing tutorial on the blog next week.

3. Also N E W in the shop: the Wild Strawberries quilt. You can read more about it and see lots of photos here. PDF Patterns are available at the special price of £5 all this month (are you detecting a theme here?).

4. I sent out my Summer Newsletter in May and from now on I plan to write my newsletters monthly. So hopefully I can include more links to fun resources, more tips, more sneak peeks (because we all love a sneak peek don’t we?) and a few treats (because we love those too). If you'd like to subscribe scroll to the bottom of the page and sign up, I'd love your company.

5. I've opened a new Instagram account for the shop called... @cakestandquilts (surprise!) and we'll see how I get on posting to two accounts, as I will still be posting on my personal account @nicolajdodd (and you are very welcome to follow me there too).
I have also opened a Facebook Page for the shop, so if you're on Facebook I hope you'll come and say hello. I'm still learning the ropes, so any tips would be very welcome.
5b. Sorry, that doesn't quite work does it? But I just wanted to let you know about a fun Instagram photo challenge being hosted by Jo, Lynne and Karen of The Threadhouse that will be running throughout June. Called #thethreadhouseandfriends you can find the prompts on the @threadhouseuk Instagram page. I'm hoping to post each day *crosses fingers* so see you there,
Nicola xx
Thank you so much, Betty! And for all your help along the way xxx
Congratulations to 5 years of fun following you!!