Hello, my name is Nicola Dodd and it's lovely to meet you.
If you are brand new to quilting, firstly 'hurray' you're going to have so much fun, secondly go to the FAQ Page to find the answers to a few questions I've asked myself. If you've already made a quilt of two please stop by at the Blog or the Tutorials Page, where you can find help with new-to-you techniques and lots of inspiration for creating a quilt that's truly yours.
I became smitten with quilting nearly ten years ago (it seems more like ten minutes, but time flies when you're having fun). At the time I didn't know anyone who quilted, so I started learning how from books, YouTube and the blogs of fellow quilters worldwide. I am so very grateful to the wonderful people who have generously shared their knowledge, I wouldn't be writing this now without them.
I have a background in Conservation Architecture and Garden Design - I don't go anywhere without my sketchbook - so lovely old houses and country gardens are a constant inspiration for my quilts. I design projects for Today's Quilter (my favourite magazine, I'm still pinching myself...) and the marvellous Moda Bakeshop, as well as appearing as a guest designer on the Sewing Quarter. In my Shop you can find patterns in both Paper and PDF formats, along with project Kits chock-full of my favourite fabrics.
I am lucky enough to live in the glorious county of Shropshire in the UK, with my husband, two sons and a loopy lurcher called Buddy. You can often find me messing about on Instagram when I should be working, so come and catch me out @nicolajdodd or go to the Contact Page to get in touch (and don't be shy, I love a chat).
Until then, happy sewing,
Nicola xx