For the past few years I’ve joined my fellow Moda Bakeshop chefs for a summer sewalong and this year we have something a little bit different (and rather wonderful) planned because we’re going to be sewing from our brand new Rollin’ Along book.
We’re going to be making Christine Weld’s fabulous Family Reunion quilt and sharing some smaller projects inspired by this lovely quilt.
Christine’s post on the Bakeshop blog is full of great tips and inspiration, whether you’re making the whole quilt or just a few blocks. I’ll be using a jelly roll of Corey Yoder’s Canning Day which has been sitting on my shelf for far too long. I’m sure I’m not alone there!
So the question is, do you have an unused jelly roll sitting pretty somewhere? I think I know the answer…
I’ll be joining the sewalong in a couple of weeks, because right now we are holidaying in my beloved Cornwall.
Wish you were here!
Nicola xx