Koselig Cushion Tutorial...
Koselig Cushion Tutorial...
The Koselig Cushion is a quick, one-block companion project to our quilt, which also makes use of the quarter square triangles left over from the Star of the Sea block. The setting is inspired by the colourful woollen bands woven by the Saami peoples of the Arctic Circle.
To make a 14" x 24" cushion you will need...
14½" square Northern Lights block
1 6½" x 14½" piece of contrast fabric
2 1" x 14½” pieces of red print
2 4½” square* and 3 3½” squares of background fabric
2 4½” squares* of various prints
1 set of 4 and 2 sets of 2 2" squares of various prints
2 14½” squares of fabric for the the back
1 14½" x 24½" piece fabric for the lining
16" x 26" piece of fusible batting
14" x 24" cushion pad
* omit if you're using the spare quarter square triangles from the Star of the Sea block
Please read through the pattern before you begin. Fabric is always placed right-sides-together and joined with a ¼” seam allowance unless otherwise noted. Please note that the additional fabric required for this project is not included in your block of the month kits.

Piecing the cushion front...
1. First make the quarter square triangle (QST) units* by marking a diagonal line on the back of a 4½” print square and pinning - right sides together - to a 4½” background square. Stitch ¼” away from each side of the marked line. Cut along that line and press both half square triangles (HSTs) open, pressing towards the background fabric.

Mark a diagonal line on the back of one of the HSTs at right-angles to the seam and pin - right sides together - to the other HST, matching the contrasting fabrics so that the seams nest. Again, stitch¼” away from each side of the marked line, cut apart and press open. Trim the QST to 3½” square. You will make a matching pair of quarter square triangles, but set one aside for another project.
2. To make the diamond in a square unit, mark a diagonal line on the back of a 2” print square and pin right-sides-together to the corner of a 3½” background square (a). Stitch on the line and then press ’open’ before trimming away the back layers ¼” away from the seam (b). Then take the time to re-press the seams open. Repeat on the remaining three corners with matching 2" print squares (c).

3. To make the end units, snowball the adjacent corners of a 3½” background square with matching 2" print squares (d).
4. To assemble the pieced band, join a QST to each side of the diamond in a square unit, before adding the end units. Trim the band to 14½” long then add ta 1" x 14½” red print pieces to each side, pressing as directed.

5. Assemble the cushion front by joining the 6½" x 14½" contrast fabric piece and 14½” Northern Lights block to each side of the pieced band, pressing towards the band.

7. Fuse the batting to the wrong side, then hand or machine quilt the two layers together to make the cushion front - I chose a sparkling silver thread in a simple wave design - before trimming away the excess batting.
Assembling the cushion cover...
8. To prepare the back pieces, turn a double ¼” hem on one side and topstitch.

9. Lay the quilted cushion front right sides UP, then lay the two back pieces on top, right sides DOWN, overlapping the hemmed edges, as shown above left. Finally, lay the lining piece on top, right sides down, as shown above right. If you'd like to see photos of this process you can refer to my Festival Cushion tutorial here.
11. Pin around the perimeter - marking a 5” opening - and sew ¼” from the edge. Sew around the corners several times to
reinforce them.
13. Clip the corners of the cushion before turning right sides out, using a knitting needle (or something similar) to gently push out the corners.
14. Press lightly, then slip stitch the opening closed before inserting the cushion inner.
And if you were wondering, Koselig is the Norwegian concept of creating a cosy place to share with friends. So you might need to make more than one,
Nicola xx