Wild Strawberry Tea Cosy...
This tutorial can be used with either the Wild Strawberry or Folk Flower filler blocks. There are also directions at the end of the tutorial for making a matching trivet with a single filler block.
You will need...
1 Wild Strawberry Block*
½ yard fabric for the outer (the background fabric in your block)
½ yard lining fabric
2 14" x 16½" pieces of heat resistant batting
Basting spray
4½" piece of ribbon (for the hanger)
Tea Cosy template, which you can download here
Washable pen/chalk pencil to draw around the template
*OMIT the borders added in step 7 of the Wild Strawberry pattern.
The Tea Cosy template is sized for a medium-sized teapot. My
favourite Emma Bridgewater teapot has a high lid, so I have
suggested adding an extra inch to the height for larger teapots.
1. From the outer fabric cut as shown, below:-
* background pieces for the Wild Strawberry block
2. From the lining fabric cut 2 12½" {13½"} x 15½" pieces.
Please read through the pattern before you begin. Fabric is always placed rights-sides-together and joined with a ¼” seam allowance unless otherwise noted. Dimensions for the large Tea Cosy are shown in brackets {}.
Preparing the front of the tea cosy...
3. Join a 5½" square outer piece to the top and a 2" {3"} x 5½" outer piece to the bottom of the Wild Strawberry block, pressing away from the strawberry; then join a 5½" x 12" {13"} outer piece to each side, again, pressing away from the strawberry.
4. Using the prepared template - or a dinner plate - mark and then trim the curved top of the cosy. NOTE: if you are machine quilting your cosy you may want to wait until it's been quilted to trim it to size.
5. Trim the batting to size and fuse to the wrong side of the tea cosy front and quilt as desired. Quilt the back of the tea cosy in the same way.
Assembling the tea cosy...
6. Join the lining pieces to the top of the matching outer pieces, pressing towards the lining.
7. Lay the back outer, right sides up, and position the piece of ribbon - folded in half - at the centre of the top of the cosy and pin or glue-baste in place.
8. Lay out the front and back pieces, right sides together, and pin together, marking a 5" opening in the lining.
9. Sew around the edge, starting and finishing at the opening with a few back-stitches. Make little cuts in to the seam allowance around the curves - taking care not to snip through your stitching - then turn right sides out.
10. Press lightly and slip-stitch or machine-stitch the opening closed and gently push the lining into the outer.
11. Press around the top - your lining should be peeking above the edge - then top-stitch.
12. Put the kettle on, it's time for tea...

Wild Strawberry Trivet...
To make the matching trivet, you will need...
1 Wild strawberry block {or a 7½" square of fabric}
2 4" x 7½" pieces of backing fabric
7½" square scrap of heat resistant batting
Basting spray
To make the trivet...
1. Fuse the batting to the wrong side of the block and quilt as desired.
2. Partially join the two backing pieces along their long side, leaving a 2" opening and pressing the seam open.
3. Place the back and quilted front right sides together and sew around the perimeter. Clip the corners then turn right sides out.
4. Press lightly and slip stitch the opening closed before top stitching around the edge.